3 on 3 Basketball Competition!

On September 30th, Richfield Residential Hall  held a 3 on 3 basketball tournament.  7 teams participated in the 2 hour event.  Team 1 consisted of Zachary W., Keneah T., and Cody R., Team 2: Malique B., Warren T., Thompson Y., Team 3: Keanu H., Ohavan N., Team , Milton Y., Team 4: Ethan H., Sheldon N., Myreon. R., Team 5: Troy C., Ritchie K., Ethan H.,  Team 6: Shawn B., Bryan J., Avery Y., Team 7: Dharshina A., Malvina J., Nizhoni B.

The following is the overall place the teams took in the tournament:

1st Place- Team 2
2nd Place-Team 3
3rd Place-Team 1
4th Place-Team 6
5th Place- Team 5
6th Place-Team 7

Great Job to all the student who participated!