A-Team Service Project


All 9 A-Team Members, Nizhoni Brown, Matthew Thompson, Ariana Mego, Ashley Kaye, Shantel Smith, Lorenda Burns, Malvina James, Calsie Sockyma, and Rendan Chielf, along with the help of Serida Slim conducted a service project for Richfield’s Stone Henge Rehabilitation and Nursing Home.  Students conversed and did some cultural outreach by sharing aspects of their lives. The students taught some of the residents and staff how to speak words in Navajo.  Senior, Matthew Thompson, also discssed culture and customs in the Navajo way.  Freshman, Calsie Sockyma shared  her Hopi culture with the group.  All the students set-up and provided a demonstration on how to make fry bread and even involved some of the residents in the technique of making bread.

The students enjoyed their time with the residents and Stone Henge was delighted to have the group there asking for a future project later in the school year.