RRH Recruiting Team
The Richfield Residential Hall Recruiting Team spent a few days touring the Navajo Nation during the last few days of March. This year’s recruiting team consisted of: Mr. Workman, Mrs.…
Read MoreStudents of the Month
March Students of the Month Holly Johnson is a junior at South Sevier High School. She is the daugther of Frank & Margaret Johnson of Shonto, AZ. Tharren Bekay is…
Read MoreBIG No Drug or Alcohol Reward Activity
April 10th….our big activity (second one for the year) started off by having a studentbody meeting to remind students about appropriate behavior while at the bowling lanes. Then, the students…
Read MoreCollege Visits
On Friday, April 9th, some of the seniors had the opportunity to visit Weber State University (WSU), Salt Lake Community College (SLCC), and Utah Valley University (UVU). They received information…
Read MoreApril 2010 Board Meeting
Richfield Residential Hall Governing Board and Administration will be holding a Regular Meeting on Friday, April 2 nd, 2010. In accordance with open meeting laws, please click on the document…
Read MoreComing to a School Near You!
The Richfield Residential Hall Recruiting Team will be on the road over the next few days to share our opportunity with prospective students and parents. Come and see for yourself…
Read MoreFun on Wheels!
Richfield Residential Hall students had no school on Friday, March 19th. To celebrate our freedom, staff scheduled a roller skating activity at Midstate Skates in nearby Elsinore, Utah. Students were…
Read MoreGo Badgers!
On Friday the 19th of March the Snow College Rugby Team started their end of season division playoffs. Brandon Sanderson, Shane Sanderson, and Shaun Todacheenie were able to attend the…
Read MoreBulls Head Hike
Saturday, March 20th was a beautiful day in Richfield. Mr. Workman and his family decided to go on a hike. Mr. Workman stopped by RRH to extend the opportunity to…
Read MoreSenior Strike
On Saturday, March 13th, the Senior Class of 2010, planned and carried out a bowling activity that was a roaring success! Thirty students participated and had a BLAST! They each…
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