Class of 2020 Graduation Information

After months of social distancing and uncertainty Sevier School District has finally approved graduation protocols with the Central Utah Health Department. Here are the details of the various graduations across the school district:

While this is not the graduation that any of us anticipated, it will certainly be a historic occasion and we look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of each of our incredible Seniors. More details will be arriving in the mailboxes of our seniors in the next few days. Please note that RHS and SSHS have chosen different options. Please keep in mind that both options restrict each graduate to 1 vehicle. Please keep this in mind as you make travel plans. Also, masks will be required for all participants. See details in school specific letters.

Richfield High School will be holding an Option 3 Drive- In Graduation at 9:30 am on Friday, May 22nd. You can see all of the details below. The entire ceremony will be live-streamed on centracom so that family and friends can participate from anywhere in the world.

South Sevier High School holding an Option 2 Drive-Through style graduation at 4:00 pm on Friday, May 22nd. You can see details below (Make sure you read the addendum as well). The ceremony will be live-streamed on centracom so that family and friends can participate from anywhere in the world.

Richfield Residential Hall will have limited staff on campus from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on Friday the 22nd to assist graduates and siblings in picking up their belongings on campus. The campus will only be open to graduates at this time and appointments must be made with Diane in advance. Underclassmen will be assigned a different date (in accordance with COVID-19 safety protocols in both the State of Utah and the Navajo Nation) to pick up their belongings. More information will follow as those dates are approved.