Continuing the Tradition of Excellence

The Richfield Residential Hall Governing Board and Administration went before the Eduction Committee of the Navajo Nation Council on Wednesday, April 28th 2008 to conclude a year-long project by requesting reauthorization of the tribal grant that funds the operation of our program. The Honorable Jonathan Nez, Council Delegate from Shonto, sponsored the legislation to reauthorize Richfield Residential Hall for another three years of operation.

The Education Committee and several other important tribal officials had many positive things to say about Richfield Residential Hall and the unique opportunities that we offer our students each year. RRH was called a “superior program” in this process, which resulted in the successful reauthorization of our program for another three years. It should be pointed out that only the best programs are reauthorized for three years at a time. Many programs must go through this process on an annual basis.

Special thanks to the Richfield Residential Hall Governing Board, the Honorable Jonathan Nez, the Education Committee of the Navajo Nation Council, Office of Monitoring, Evaluation and Technical Assistance and the RRH Administration for working so hard to ensure that we are able to continue to offer the best academic and social opportunities to our students for many years to come.

RRH Governing Board outside Council Chambers after successful Reauthorization.