On Saturday, September 22, 2012, students had an outdoor activity.   Students had the option of either playing dodge ball or volleyball.  During dodge ball, juniors and freshmen competed against seniors and sophomores. The boys held checks on each other to make sure they were acting like gentlemen.  At one point, boys were upset that a girl was hit, but the girls were good sports and stated that was the point of the game!  The teams were fierce players.  At the end, Tara Jensen was the last girl left for the juniors and freshman class, but eventually she was overtaken by the senior and sophomore team.  Next, the dodge ball game was played with seniors against everyone else.  Even though the seniors were ready, things did not go the way they planned!  The kids who participated has a lot of fun.  Chantz Harvey stated that he was all pumped up for the game.  Kyler Cozard liked the fact that he could hit his friends without getting in trouble!  After everything, the kids stated that their favorite thing about the activity was the participation level with many kids involved.  This made things fun.

 While the majority of kids played dodge ball, some kids had fun with volleyball.  Kurif Yazzie was a good sport even after getting hit in the face by the ball.  She continued playing and laughed it off.  The games ended with treats for all the kids!