Highlights from September!

Richfield Residential Hall Students had a blast in September.  Here are a few activities and pictures that students participated in aside from the previous blogged in Septembe!  Vollebyall Competion and Lion’s Park Picnic!

Lions Park BBQ:

On September 21st, the entire student body of Richfield Residential Hall walked down to the Lion’s Park and had a BBQ.  Students enjoyed the time there and not only started some recreational games, but also were treated to a free concert in the park performed by a local band!

Volleyball Activity:

On September 16, we had a volleyball tournament that turned out to be such an eventful Sunday
afternoon. We had a total of 8 teams with 3 players on a team made up of both students and staff.
In the end, teams 1 and 2 played for championship. Both games were close and it was difficult to call
which team would come out on top. All teams did a great job and in the end, we had our laughs and our
memories. Thanks to all staff and students who cheered on their friends and participated in this activity.

Vollev ball pictures coming soon!