Student Body Assembly

On August 20th the student body of Richfield Residential Hall were oriented to the dormitory program.  Mr. Workman, Executive Director of the dorm, gave words of encouragement with high hopes and expectations for all students.  In addition, both principals from RHS and SSHS came in and encouraged students to get involved in the academic program, athletics, music, drama, and many more clubs offered at both schools.  The students were able to meet the RHS cross country coach who invited students to be part of the team.

Students were then introduced to part of Richfield Residential Hall staff which was followed by an introduction from each Action Team member.  To complete orientation, Mr. Workman sent students out on a “scavenger hunt” to get signatures from various staff members and A-Team members.  To get the signatures, students had to sit down with the staff/student and be oriented with what each contributing member of RRH does.  Students have until August 23rd to turn in their papers.  Students who meet the deadline will receive a gift card to Wal-mart!