Third Quarter Honor Roll

Final grades have been submitted for Third Quarter of the 2007-2008 school year. As usual, our students did an exceptional job! We would like to congratulate the following students for their hard work and dedication. By making the most of all the RRH has to offer, these students are well on their way to a great future. Congratulations! We are all proud of you.


Serena Lane (3.96)

Althea John (3.87)

Trevina Greymountain (3.73)

Kiana Woody (3.73)

Shaquira Begay (3.69)

Clarenda Begaye (3.67)

Candice Bekay (3.66)

Dennisha Bradley (3.64)

Dawn Bigman (3.59)

Fabien Toledo (3.57)

HONOR ROLL (3.00 – 3.49)

Rachel Ellis (3.46)

Rope James (3.46)

Tylor Ketchum (3.45)

Alton Chee (3.37)

Vanessa Clark (3.30)

Riva Chief (3.27)

Xavier Kaibetoney (3.17)

Dedrick Hoschain (3.14)

Ashley Clyde (3.02)