SSHS Dine Week Assembly

All of the hard work and practice paid off as our students put on an outstanding cultural assembly for the students, staff, and community of SSHS this morning. Special thanks to those who participated in any way. Many spent countless hours sewing costumes, making jewelry, and driving to support our students in this effort. Since a picture is supposedly worth a thousand words, we will get right to some great pictures taken by Diane at this morning’s assembly.

RRH Studentbody President (and SSHS Dorm Representative) LeCallin Cly served as MC for the assembly.

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A few of the gorgeous cultural displays on the stage.

Serena Lane and Iris Chief open the assembly by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in Navajo.

Nanabah Bizahaloni, Brittany Harvey, and Sherrell Babbitt sing the National Anthem in Navajo.

LeCallin Cly explains the significance of traditional hair style, as Althea John prepares to tie his hair in a traditional bun. Althea then explained the differences between male and female styles.

Shaquira Begay sings a birthday song in Navajo and English just minutes before leaving to play in the 2A State Volleyball Tournament at Utah Valley University.

Marietta Hosteenez and Serena Lane sing a traditional Native American Church (NAC) song

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Shadow Mann and Serena Lane drum and sing as Iris Chief, Tamiya Boone, Brittney Etsitty, and Nanabah Bizahaloni perform a Basket Dance.

SSHS Senior Class President, Merle Watchman performs a Native Rap that discusses his struggles on “da rez” and why he is here at SSHS (Education).

Tanielle Yazzie performs “Go My Son,” which is based on the wise counsel of Navajo Chief Manuelito that education is the ladder to success. Also participating in the performance of “Go My Son” were Riva Chief, Brittney Etsitty, LeCallin Cly, Zachary Taylor, Sherrell Babbitt, Nanabah Bizahaloni, and Althea John.

Sherrell Babbitt performs a shawl dance. Not pictured, but also performing the Shawl Dance were Brittney Etsitty and Nanabah Bizahaloni.

Elyssa Lane sings a beautiful Cree Song.

Brittany Harvey explained the significance of the traditional Navajo cradle board in Navajo and then translated into English. She then demonstrated the use of the cradle board by tying gorgeous baby, Nayvee Adyson Hart, into the cradle board. Of course Nayvee stole the show!

Gordon Blackhorse sings a Winter Song.

Tashiana Carmichael (grand-daughter of RRH cook, Helen Solano) and Marietta Hosteenez perform a Ribbon Dance.

Serena Lane, Terrilyn Crank, and Serida Slim dedicate the NAC song, “Beautiful Children” to all of the little ones in the audience.

Brittney Etsitty shares a touching and beautiful rendition of a song her grandmother wrote just before she passed away. Thanks for sharing, Brittney!

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Apache Crown Dancers. Bonus points if you can name them all (if you think you know, post a comment).

The Apache Crown Dancer Clown pulled a few people from the audience to dance with him on stage. Here, he is dancing with Reetika Henry.

LeCallin Cly presents Mrs. Baker with a gift of appreciation for all of her service to the native students of SSHS. The beautiful bag was hand-made by Mrs. Katherine Cly (LeCallin’s very talented mother) of Kayenta, AZ.

SSHS Principal, Mr. Bailey, accepts an award on behalf of South Sevier High School from Sophie Adison, Sevier School District Indian Education Coordinator, for the school’s commitment to supporting and sharing Native American culture with the community.

Dr. Chuck Foster, American Indian Education Specialist, Utah State Office of Education, enjoys the show. Special thanks to Dr. Foster, who drove from Salt Lake City to support our students in this event.

Special Recognition:
Master of Ceremonies: LeCallin Cly
Choreography: Reetika Henry
Backdrop Painting: Gregory Clyde
General Preparation and “Costumes” : Sophie Adison,Jason and Ouida Taylor, Sylvia Nielson
Stage Crew: Riva Chief, Tanielle Yazzie, Jeanita Thinn, Althea John
Tech Crew: DJ Laughbon, McKade Miles, Randy Wood, Ammon Elison