April Students of the Month

Congratulations to our Students of the Month for April 2007! This is a difficult honor to attain, but your hard work and perseverance have paid off. Did we mention that the students of the month get to go out and eat at a restaurant of their choice with staff? This month…. South China Cafe! Oh yeah, pot stickers and egg rolls, Baby! Hope it was good Mario and Letasha!


Mario Herrera is the son of Tabitha Begay of Window Rock, Arizona. A senior at Richfield High School, Mario has been a student of Richfield Residential Hall for all four years of high school. He says he has really enjoyed all that the program has had to offer him. He plans on remaining in Richfield to work for the BLM over the summer by being a part of the camp crew for the wildland fire fighters (a job he had last summer as well). Following his summer job, Mario plans to study Psychology at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah. With all of the hard work and dedication you have shown here, we know you will be successful anywhere you go!


Letasha Tsosie is in her second year at Richfield Residential Hall, and is obviously doing very well here. She says that she really likes being a student here, and that it is helping to prepare her for college. Following high school, Letasha plans on attending college in Oregon with the goal of becoming a Pediatrician.  Letasha is the daughter of  Wilson Tsosie and Selena Bedonie of Parachute, Colorado.