2009/2010 Student Council
LeCallin Cly, President LeCallin is the son of Woody & Katherine Cly of Kayenta, Arizona. He is a senior at South Sevier High School. Other names he’s known by: Eagle…
Read MoreVolleyball Season Ends
Shaquira, a junior, is a middle blocker on the South Sevier High School volleyball team! Recently, the Rams, who were seeded second in their region, competed in the state volleyball…
Read MoreRHS Student of the Month
RRH Sophomore, Shane Sanderson was recently selected as Student of the Month for Richfield High School. Shane is the son of Harrison and Bernice Curley of Gallup, NM. Congratulations, Shane.…
Read MoreRichfield Reaper Article
Here is a neat article from the local newspaper about our students.
Read MoreNational Native American Heritage Month
President Barack Obama has declared November 2009 as National Native American Heritage Month. Click here to see the official proclamation.
Read MoreOutstanding Athlete
The Richfield Wildcats recently wrapped up another successful cross country season. To celebrate their accomplishments, a banquet was held in their honor on October 28, 2009. Latrisha Blackstar was honored…
Read MoreSSHS Dine Week Assembly
All of the hard work and practice paid off as our students put on an outstanding cultural assembly for the students, staff, and community of SSHS this morning. Special thanks…
Read MoreSSHS Celebrates Dine Week
We are excited to announce that South Sevier High School has brought back a tradition from our past. Mr. Bailey, the new Principal of SSHS, has set this week aside…
Read MoreOpen House Successful
We would like to thank all of the parents who made the trip to Sevier County on Monday for the Open Houses that were held at Richfield and South Sevier…
Read MoreRHS Open House
Richfield High School is pleased to invite you to spend a day with us visiting teachers, classrooms, students, and administration at our 6th Annual Richfield High School Open House Who:…
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