Clans Presentations!

On August 22, 2013, RRH staff and students participated in a clanship activity. We met out on the

basketball court and formed a circle. I began our activity with first asking the students the importance of

knowing their clans. They came up with a few great answers such as, “so we know who we are related

to,” and “so they don’t date anyone within their clans.” I then told them the story of Changing Woman

and how clans came to be part of our Navajo culture and how they were formed. I asked if any of the

students had their own family teachings or any other versions. Requel Curtis shared a story with us

that I was not familiar with, but it was interesting to hear. Each student was then given a form that

they filled out with their four main clans. Those who did not know their clans were encouraged to call

home and ask their parents so they have an idea of who they are regarding their clans. We then showed

the students the different clan groups and had each one stand as their groups were called. We had a

lot of positive feedback. Students were surprised to see their friends with their same clans, especially

the former students. There were even students who continued their conversations about clans after

the activity was over.  I thought this was very neat. The activity went great and I thought a change in


location for some of them was nice.