Early Open for Fall Sports
In exactly one month from today, Richfield Residential Hall will open its doors for student athletes. Student athletes who have been accepted into the program and desire to return early to begin practicing with their teams are invited to arrive at RRH on Monday, August 10th. Transportation to RRH will be the responsibility of the student. Room board and transportation around Richfield and the surrounding area will be provided. There is no cost involved as long as the student athlete completes the season for which they are participating. Students who fail to complete the season will be requited to pay a summer tuition fee of $350. Please contact RRH via phone (435) 896-6121 or email ( cworkman@richfielddorm.org )if you are interested in arriving early for fall athletics. Sports that will be running workouts and practices at this time are: football, cross country, cheerleading, drill team, boys soccerWe are all excited to watch the great things our students will do in the classroom and in sports this year!
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Lucky kids
We never had this happen before but we had families to take us in
Got to love our Richfield parents we have Mr n Mrs Goodwin
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Always evolving and trying new things to give our kids the best!
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