Dear Parents:


I hope that this letter finds you and your family doing well.  We have been very busy and have had a lot of fun activities during the past several weeks. If it were not for the cooler temperatures and changing leaves around me, I would have a difficult time believing that it is already time for Fall Vacation!


Fall Vacation is the first of several extended vacations in which Richfield Residential Hall closes and provides transportation for students to Page and Tuba City. I know that you are as excited as your student to be able to have this opportunity to spend some quality time together. I would like to remind you that we will conclude the first quarter of school at Richfield Residential Hall just four days after Fall Vacation (Oct. 23rd). Please encourage your students to remain focused on academic pursuits so that they can finish the quarter strongly.


 Students will leave Richfield at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, October 15, 2008, and will arrive at the following locations:


                                  Page Lumber                            5:00 p.m.

                                  Tuba City Basha’s                    6:30 p.m.


(All Times Are Daylight Savings Time)


Students will be picked up at the same locations on Sunday, October 19, 2008, with busses leaving Tuba City Basha’s at noon and the Page Lumber at 1:30 pm.


It is imperative that you do not pick your students up early or return them late. This adversely affects their ability to succeed in the classroom. The principals from both high schools very graciously excuse our students earlier than anyone else to allow for the travel time that we have.  Let’s show our appreciation for that support by ensuring that our students are in school when they should be in school. We appreciate your support with this issue, and look forward to an outstanding year!


Thank you,


Mr. Workman and the RRH Staff