Fish Lake Fieldtrip

Two buses loaded students up to Fish Lake.  Kitchen Staff Dorie Martin and Nancy Mckinley  took off for the cook-out with us that day.  The day staff were Jamie, Georgie, and Grandma Herrera.  The students had an awesome time and the weather turned out nice and warm!  Some students bought a fishing license and did some fishing.  We had some left over mutton stew meat which Georgie and Grandma cooked.  Steamed corn and mutton stew was also cooked throughout the evening.  Georgie donated blue bird flour to make fry bread.  A lot of students came and had a treat!

-Grandma Herrera

From the kitchen staff:

On Saturday, October 5th, 2013 we went to Fishlake for a cook out.  The students loved participating in helping with the cooking of hotdogs and hamburgers while others helped with cooking some mutton and frybread.  Everyone was respectful and polite and very helpful with carrying things, cleanup, and loading.  It definitely was the perfect day.