Fish On!

On Sunday, September 26th, Grandma (Ms. Herrera) and Mr. Laws took 16 lucky students fishing at Otter Creek Reservoir.  Students signed up in advance to participate in the outing and due to high demand for this activity, we will definitely be doing it again soon! Grandma said, “Our fishing trip was very successful…the students had a great time especially Nizhoni Brown who, we believe, had a 4- pounder!  She was so scared she didn’t want to pose for picture so we had someone else holding her fish!”

Grandma also said, “The weather was just great, we went to Otter Creek, we left right at 8 am, we had everything ready to go. Can’t remember how many fish we got total; they were so big that we had to put them in an ice chest!”

Thanks to everyone who made this activity such a great time! We are excited to go fishing again soon!