Freemont State Park Hike

Fifteen students went with staff members Angie Herrera and Nolan Kjar hiking at Fremont Indian State Park.  The kids were introduced to the ancient history of Natives that lived in the Sevier area hundreds of years ago.  We first experienced the museum that held artifacts found amongst the hills that we eventually hiked.   After the museum Angie (Grandma) lead the group to see the petroglyphs on a ½ mile hike.  The students were excited to see some of this rich history while getting some exercise on a near perfect sunny day.

After the initial hike Angie and half the kids went to the camp ground to prepare lunch.  Nolan took the other half on two more trails.  The first was to cave of 100 hands.  On the way to the cave some of the students took their shoes off and cooled their feet walking in the river next to the trail. The cave was small and fenced up but you could easily see the hands from the ancient people.  Milton said “I can’t believe how small of the hands they had back then, they’re like a child’s hand”.   After that hike the next trail took the students up some steep terrain to see hundreds of petroglyphs.

At camp Angie had the boys that stayed behind prepare the fire and cook the rice and vegetables.  Angie and most of the girls cooked the tortillas and burgers.  We forgot to pack a spatula before the trip so the girls had to improvise by making one out of tin foil for the burgers.  Overall the students had a great time getting experience, fresh air and witnessing the beauty of the outdoors.