Girls Camp

Reported by Angie Herrera, Dorm Manager:  May 4th, several staff came in at 8 a.m. and loaded the girls’ belongings, which included, bedroom & bathroom supplies, kitchen items, and don’t forget the living room set.  After camp was set up, the girls went hiking and some tried to catch fish by hand.  Others were at the camp preparing food!  We had enough food that the kitchen staff packed for us.  I had alot of help with coooking from alot of girls.  We made fry bread with mutton stew, with steamed corn, dry bread on the grill, and we ate until we couldn’t take another bite……then, we hiked off some more afterwards.  Before we knew it, it was time to eat again!  Story telling around the fire place was the most awesome sight!  Having marshmellows on sticks and having some Navajo tea that I provided….the girls look forward to having Navajo Tea every year.  We all had a great time and some of the girls are even planning what they are going to bring on next year’s campout!