Halloween Dance 2012

On Saturday, October 13th, the Richfield Residential Hall A-Team sponsored a Costume Halloween Dance.  Students came with their faces painted and even dressed as zombies, cats, fairies, and geishas (just to name a few).  Students started off the the night with activities including a cake walk with cup cake cakes baked earlier today by the A-Team and after, they participated in a balloon dance popping game.  Students then showed their dance moves throughout the night and socialized with their friends.  Kitchen staff provided the an enormous orange halloween cake as well as drinks.  At the end of the evening the A-Team announced the winners of the balloon popping game.  Aubrey Manson was the last of the girls left to have a balloon and Marty Sloan was the last boy.  Also, costumes were judged—Best Costume went to Malvina James who dressed up as a Japanese Geisha and Most Creative Costume went to Chelsea Begay who dressed up as a zombie in a tutu, complete with high heels!  It was a great night and the student body had fun.  Students can not wait for the next RRH Dance.