The Time of Your Life

Richfield Residential Hall "Kicks Butts!"

At Richfield Residential Hall, you will receive so much more than a world class education. You are only in high school for four years. That might seem like a long time right now, but, trust us, it will fly by! At Richfield Residential Hall, we believe that those four years should be some of the the funnest years of your life. We believe in working hard in the classroom and playing even harder to make memories that will last a lifetime.


Fishing at Otter Creek Reservoir

As a student at Richfield Residential Hall, you will have the unique opportunity to meet friends from all over the country. You will be amazed at how close your friendships will become. You will meet your best friends here and you will build friendships that last a lifetime.

As our ancestors have taught, we believe the key to happiness is to live a balanced life. In order to balance all of the hard work that we do in the classroom, Richfield Residential Hall students are constantly given opportunities for healthy and fun recreation. Our students help to plan and carry out fun activities every day of the year.

Some of the recreational things we do each year include:

  •  Trip to the Utah State Fair
  • Trip to Lagoon
  • 3 day camp-outs
  • Cookouts
  • Fishing trips
  • Hiking in National Parks
  • Dances
  • Community cultural presentations
  • Attend high school, college and professional sporting events
  • See our calendar for daily activities this year

Richfield Residential Hall is your home away from home. We work hard to make our campus and our facilities feel like our home. You will find loving and supportive staff who are genuinely committed to helping you reach your goals…  Learn more about our staff here.