Healthy Dessert Making

Sunday January 19, 2014 we had a healthy dessert making activity. Staff member Jaime Romero and several of the students had a healthy dessert after dinner. First the students were instructed about the good things and bad things about the ingredients used for the treat. The treat was made up of frozen mixed berries, granola, whipped cream and agave nectar. The portion size of the fruit as well as its benefits such as vitamins and antioxidants were discussed. Next granola was discussed. Even though it is made up of healthy ingredients, it also contains a lot of fat so it should only be eaten in limited amounts. The benefits of dairy products were discussed, followed by a short discussion about agave nectar. It is a natural sweetener made from a cactus. It is sweet but has a low glycemic index which means that it is slowly absorbed by the body and does not cause sugar levels to spike unlike other sources of sugar. The students enjoyed our tart, sweet and crunchy treat. Thanks to everyone who helped make this a fun, informative and tasty activity.

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Jaime Romero