Just Say No!!!


As you may know, the principals of both high schools have made a special arrangement with us to allow our students to leave school a full two days earlier than the rest of the student body. While the last day of school is the 29th of May, our students will be released at 1:00 pm on the 27th. We are grateful to the administration of both high schools for this thoughtful consideration of our students’ unique needs.

For your student’s own good, please do not allow them to leave school any earlier than the 27th. This will adversely affect the grades that they have worked so hard towards all year long. I know our students well enough to know that they are going to argue a strong case that will make your little heart go pitter-patter, your eyes steam up, and give you a strong desire to give in to their unhealthy desire. I am asking you to be strong and do the Nancy Reagan….. “JUST SAY NO!!!” Richfield Residential Hall will not be signing any withdrawal forms prior to the 27th. Thank you for your support in this critical manner.
–Mr. Workman