Last Fall Fishing Trip

On October 20, 2013, 12 students participated ( four decided to sleep in when woken up 6:00 am) in the last fishing activity for this year.  First, we went to Lake Hill Reservoir to catch Tiger Trout.  Upon our arrival, the boys made a camp fire to cook fried potatoes and tortias for breakfast.  We fished for a about two hours and some students we lucky to catch the unique Tiger Trout.  We did not have the luck that we had a week before.  So, we decided to change location to Yearns Reservoir in the next canyon.  We were able to catch some Rainbow Trout.  We did not catch as much as we had the previous week, but we took back about 40 fish for a fish fry at the dorms.  Andi Crank caught the most (five trout) and the biggest.


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