Manti Hike

March 8, 2014 (Saturday) students went hiking and picnicking.  7 girls and 8 boys were taken to Manti to hike up to the “M” on the east mountain.
Staff Nolan Kjar and Georgina Craig chaperoned.  We arrived in Manti at 12:30 PM.  A former student, Virginia Shepherd Kjar and her husband, LaMar Kjar got a pavilion reserved for the students and staff to use.  Shortly after arriving, Nolan took the students on the hike.  Weather conditions were clear skies with temperatures in the low 50’s.  The previous day had laid snow on the mountain so the terrain was a slippery muddy mess.  Every step a student took they slid half a step back so the students were in for a workout.  It took the first two students, Jerel Crank and Ethan Harvey, 40 mins to make it to the M.  The rest of the group made it after about a 1 hour and 20 mins of hiking. Kids lined up together for pictures on the rocks that were painted white and laid out as an M for Manti high school.  After pictures were taken we hiked up to the top where there were cliffs overlooking into Manti canyon.  It was gorgeous on top to see the Sanpete valley to our west and the Manti La-Sal National Forrest to the East.  We enjoyed the view forabout 30 mins and then headed back down to the pavilion.  On the way down the kids might as well have been surfing down because of the mud.  There were a couple wipe outs but no casualties (just laughs and great memories).

Georgia and the Kjars  stayed back at the pavilion and cooked hamburgers, hotdogs, and fry bread for the hungry hikers  When the students returned they had worked up an appetite for some good food.  We all enjoyed the great weather as the students laid on the grass and ate as much as they wanted. To top it off the Kjar’s made cupcakes for the students to eat after their meal. It was a great early Spring afternoon in Central Utah!