Message from the President

From the pen of RRH studentbody President LeCallin Cly:

“Our Mutton Fry was so much fun! We all learned from the staff and visiting community members how to properly butcher a sheep. Everyone helped with the butchering, some kids cut up the meat, and others set up for the dinner. We had Community people that helped us and Title VII people and we thank them, we could have never done it without their help. They helped butcher, helped the kitchen ladies with sorting the meat and cooking. By the end of the day, everything was all done, the food was delicious, it was like one big happy family, and Cheii Forrest Adison did the prayer for us to be blessed, protected, and learn harder, and go all the way with our education!”

Delicious Menu Items: Stew with Dumplings, Stew with Veggies, Fried Mutton & all the other goodies, Fry bread & Torillas!