MLK Bowling!


Happy MLK Day!

Students had a break from school today and so we wanted to do something special that everyone could join in the fun!  RRH staff took students to Jorgensen Lanes in Richfield equipped with not only a bowling alley, but also a mini-arcade and fast food!  This was an awesome variety for students who mixed it up with all the fun.

With all of our students, we were able to have the entire vicinity to ourselves taking up most of the lanes within the bowling alley!  Students got to play a round of bowling which took a hefty hour and a half with all the players we had on each team!  In addition, students had fun winning tickets and tokens in the mini-arcade and later cashing them in for prizes.  The day was all smiles and the students loved the group time they had as entire RRH family.  Not to mention…the day was BEAUTIFUL and even in the dead smack of winter there are warm, sunny days!!  Students got their exercise in because they wanted to walk and experience the beautiful day!!