Moonie’s Animal Rescue

On November 8th, a group of Richfield Residential Hall students had the opportunity to visit Moonie’s Animal Rescue in Elsinore, Utah.  Moonie’s specializes in taking in breeds of Boxers and horses, but they also take in other animals from kittens to cows after abandonment.  The family runs the animal shelter right out of their home and have welcomed RRH students for the 2nd year to come visit their facility and help them with their animals.   RRH students who visit get to participate in small service projects from cleaning out cages to having love time with the animals who need play time and human interaction.

RRH students enjoyed holding cats and kittens, to petting horses, dogs, pot belly pigs, and even interacting with bearded dragon lizards and hedgehogs.  The kids love that connection with animals and for many, just having a an animal around brings back fond memories of their livestock and pets they have back at home.

The owners and staff of Moonie’s have been great to work with and look forward to seeing new groups of students tour and interact with the animals in the next following months!