Movie Night

We did a movie night activity, but had to arrange it inside due to bad weather.  We began sending students inside with no problem and the A-Team really helped us set up.  Staff Members: Beatriz, LaToya as well as students Dannielle Sam, Shantel Smith, and Maurenna Billie, began the popcorn popping and put them away in brown bags.  Beatriz and  Maurenna B, with help from Tyler Neztsosie set up the equipment for the movie.  Everything went great and we all helped one another before and after the movie was over.  So many students helped clean up and put away everything!  Georgianna and LaToya got help from the A-Team in cleaning up, vacuuming, cleaning out the popcorn machine, and carefully put the stuff away in the staff office.  Everything done this evening was a successful team effort.

*Each student knew how to be responsible by picking up after themselves!

*Respect was shown by helping the staff clean up without having to be told.

*Students were honorable and no one talked back!  They really showed how adult they were!