Navajo Nation Support

IMG_20150522_124718590RRH Class of 2015 had some very special guests show up to celebrate their accomplishments. Three delegates of the 23rd Navajo Nation Council made the long trip from Window Rock to join our students for a Senior Recognition Banquet on Thursday the 21st of May. The Honorable Jonathan Hale, Chairman of the Navajo Nation Health, Education and Human Services Committee addressed a group of 200 students, families and staff. He gave some great council, then he and the Honorable Tuchoney Slim, Jr. spent the evening congratulating the graduates and parents. The Honorable Nathaniel Brown joined the delegation the following morning for a presentation by the A-Team, a meeting with the Richfield Residential Hall Governing Board, a tour of the brand new Richfield High School which will open in August, all before heading to the Sevier Valley Center Arena at Snow College to confer diplomas to our graduates. We are grateful that these dedicated leaders took the time to travel to Richfield to show support to the leaders of tomorrow! Ahe’hee!

In the photo above, Navajo Nation Council Delegates join the Richfield Residential Hall Governing Board and A-Team member Jonathan Redshirt for a photo prior to commencement exercises. In the photo (left to right) are: Honorable Nathaniel Brown (Navajo Nation Council), Nora Tallman (RRHGB Secretary), Bill Cly (RRHGB Vice President), Jonathan Redshirt (RRH A-Team Member), Honorable Jonathan Hale (Navajo Nation Council, Chair HEHSC), Honorable Tuchoney Slim, Jr. (Navajo Nation Council), Denis Tsosie (RRHGB President) and Elroy Watson (RRHGB Member)