Party Time!

Students and Staff of Richfield Residential Hall hosted the First Annual Richfield Residential Hall Block Party on Saturday, September 27th. The purpose of this event was to get better acquainted with our neighbors and other members of our community. This successful event was attended by hundreds of family and friends in our neighborhood. We kicked off the event by serving authentic Navajo Tacos to our very grateful neighbors. Following dinner, several students participated in a talent show to entertain our guests. After the talent show, our students set up booths and games for the kids in attendance. The face painting booth was a huge hit, and no one could beat Jordan and Riva in the three-legged-race! Everyone in attendance had a great time! Just so you don’t feel left out, here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!


Even an hour after the start of the party, the line for our famous Navajo Tacos went out the door!


Friends and neighbors settle in for the RRH Talent Show.


Tiffany Zahne (l), Markita Manygoats, and Keionna McCauleysing the National Anthem in English.


Chenoa John sings the National Anthem in Navajo to a reverent crowd.


Shane “the Prez” Sanderson


Kathleen Ahasteen preps to sing a song she wrote to the crowd.


Ashley Clyde and Brittany Etsitty rock out.


Rez-rapper, Merle Watchman, tells it like it is in a rap that he wrote and performed.

Sound like a good time? Make sure you attend next year’s Block Party!