Soft Closure Notice

Earlier this evening, Governor Herbert announced that all public schools in Utah will participate in a mandatory dismissal (a.k.a. soft closure) for a period of two weeks beginning on Monday, March 16th in an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Please be clear that this is not due to the presence of the virus in any schools in the state. It is a precautionary measure designed to limit the spread of the virus in our state. As of this entry, the closest confirmed case of the virus to RRH is a little over 200 miles away. Each school district is working closely with local health departments to determine the most effective measures they can take to ensure the academic needs of the students are met in a manner that meets the intent of the Governor’s Task Force and this initiative.

Superintendent Douglas just posted the following letter outlining how Sevier School District will manage the two-week soft closure of schools that our students attend:

You will see from the letter that instruction will continue through a variety of mean, including the use of technology and the internet. While we place a premium on the academic success of each student at RRH, nothing is more important than the safety of our students and our staff. This is a time of great uncertainty and fear in the world around us. I assure you that the Richfield Residential Hall Governing Board, Administration and Staff are working tirelessly to calmly and thoughtfully determine how to best meet the need for our students to continue their education while assuring we are doing all we can to keep our students and team safe. We will be meeting with officials and administrators from Sevier School District, Richfield High School, South Sevier High School and Snow College on Monday to explore options for our students. We will continue to post updates here on our webpage as the situation develops and we determine the best course of action for all involved.

Some parents have contacted us concerned about this situation and expressing their desire to pick up their students. Of course, each parent and student must make the decision that best suits their circumstances. Please be thoughtful about these decisions and ensure you consider the academic interests of your students in the process. I would recommend contacting your student’s high school directly and inquiring about the methods of instruction they plan to use during this two-week period. If you feel you can meet those needs at home (i.e. reliable computers, internet connections and supervision), you will be able to make a much more informed decision.

Thank you for entrusting us with the academic and social growth of your most precious resource. We do not take this responsibility lightly and place the highest priority on the health, safety and success of our students.