Southern Utah University Senior Overnighter

Seniors visited the Southern Utah University campus in Cedar City on January 28th & 29th. Thursday evening the SUU student ambassadors planned a Night Time of Fun… & food…..for the visiting seniors! Friday morning the seniors ate breakfast at the college cafeteria, met with an admissions counselor, and toured the campus. Before leaving the campus, they had another huge meal in the college cafeteria. Merle (aka Shruggy) Watchman was one of the participants and he says, “It was one the best experiences he has had in his whole life”. Jaclyn Boone, who has already been accepted to SUU, says about her experience, “The opportunity to look at the campus was awesome and it gave me another prespective of attending SUU.”
Seniors attending the overnighter: Jaclyn Boone, Althea John, Tanielle Yazzie, Natasha Bitsinnie, Latrisha Blackstar, Ashley Mego, Merle Watchman, Warren Brown, Dedrick Hoschain, Shawn Todecheenie, Evander Dutchie, Alzado Jones, and Brandon Sanderson.