SSHS Celebrates Dine Week

We are excited to announce that South Sevier High School has brought back a tradition from our past. Mr. Bailey, the new Principal of SSHS, has set this week aside as Dine week. The week is full of fun and excited events throughout the school to include guest speakers, story tellers, cultural information and artifacts throughout the building, a bilagana frybread making contest, and, of course, an awesome assembly on Thursday.

At 10:20 am on Thursday, October 29th, our students will be performing a variety of talents in the Dine week assembly at SSHS. We encourage you to come and support them as they drum, sing, dance, and educate their fellow students on Dine culture. We are grateful to the staff and administration of SSHS for allowing us this opportunity to share our culture. Special thanks to Mr. Bailey, Mrs. Baker, Sophie Adison (Sevier School District Title VII Coordinator), Sylvia Nielson (RRH Academic Director), Jason and Ouida Taylor, and, of course, our awesome students who have worked so hard to prepare for this event. We can’t wait to see you all there!