Student Pick Up

Everyone at Richfield Residential Hall is super excited for school to start. We have all worked very hard to make 2012-2013 the best year that we have ever had here at RRH. We are looking forward to the arrival of this year’s students. For those who are traveling to Richfield with family, please be aware that the dormitory will open at 4:00 pm on Monday, August 20th. If you arrive earlier, you are welcome to wait in our parking lot, relax on our campus or explore our great community. Doors will open promptly at 4:00 pm.

For those riding buses to Richfield, here is the information you will need to ensure that you do not miss your ride. RRH will pick up students in three separate locations via chartered buses. The locations and times are as follows:

Tuba City Basha’s 12:00 noon (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Kayenta Basha’s 12:00 noon (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Page Lumber (Old WalMart) 1:00 pm (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Check out this document <2012-2013 Beginning School Letter for Website> for helpful info as you prepare for your trip to Richfield. We are all looking forward to seeing you here on Monday!