Student Safety and Coronavirus

Dear Parents,
Whether you are watching your investments plummet, your team cancel games, or simply just wanting to find a roll of toilet paper to buy, you are likely being impacted in numerous ways by the panic related to the coronavirus (COVID-19).  We want you to know that RRH leaders are in consistent communication with public and private health officials on effective precautions and responses when it comes to the health and safety of our students. We frequently meet and collaborate with federal, state and community leaders and health care officials and have specifically discussed COVID-19 (the coronavirus). The reality seems to be very different from what is being portrayed by the mass media. As such, we want to give you some good resources to go to for accurate and timely information related to this matter. Below is a list of links to factual and accurate information concerning COVID-19. Please take a moment to review the information and check back for updates. We will continue to communicate updates using email, social media, and the Richfield Residential Hall website.

For general information related to the disease:

For Utah specific information:

Sevier School District Information:

Ultimately, as of today, there are 4 confirmed cases in Utah. All are in the northern 1/3 of the state and some 200 miles from here. We continue to keep a close eye on the development and spread of this disease and are adjusting student travel and other such activities accordingly. We are confident in our ability to keep our students safe and successful as they continue to advance towards their academic goals. We can work together in our efforts to help ourselves and our children stop the spreading of illnesses. Often this is as simple as remembering to wash hands and avoid touching our mouths, noses, and eyes. Perhaps the most important lesson we can teach our children is how to appropriately respond using reason, rationality, and open-mindedness when our society is faced with a difficult situation or threat.