Utah Schools Will NOT Reopen in 2019-2020

In a press conference this afternoon, Governor Herbert and State Superintendent Dickson announced that Utah public and charter schools will continue “soft closure” through the end of the school year. This means that classes material will continue to be delivered remotely.

We know this is a challenge and it is certainly not what any of us was hoping for. While education is what we are focused on, the health and safety of our students, staff and families will always be our top priority. It is critical that each RRH student continues working diligently in each class to ensure that they finish this historic semester on a positive note. Please follow the instructions of each teacher and class. Every assignment, project, exam, etc. counts towards your overall grade and your progress towards graduation. We are so proud of each of our students and know that they can work through this challenge. RRH staff will continue to reach out and offer encouragement and support twice weekly. If you have problems or need help, let our staff know.

The RRH Governing Board and Administration continue to work closely with State and Local officials to determine what procedures will be for graduation and other such activities. Again, we recognize the disappointment and challenges this creates for many; especially our seniors and their families. We will continue to post updates through our website.

Please note: The Richfield Residential Hall campus will remain closed through the end of the school year. As soon as restrictions are lifted, we will make arrangements for students to be able to retrieve any belongings they left behind when the got on the buses a few weeks ago.

We are living through an unprecedented and historic event. This unique time will be talked about for generations. While we may not be able to control the circumstances we are in right now, we can control 100% of how we react to it. Let’s all band together to ensure that each member of the RRH family comes through this historic occasion a better person.


  1. Sarah McCabe-Begay on April 16, 2020 at 7:29 pm

    I have a question regarding Class of 2020’s Graduation? Is there any plan how this will be taken care. I’m concerned about my grandson, his class will miss out on all the celebrations that comes with this event and receiving their diplomas.