Words of Encouragement
Richfield Residential Hall students started the first Saturday morning of the 2012-2013 school year, with words of encouragement from the Richfield Residential Hall Governing board. Members of the governing board took the opportunity to tour the newly renovated campus, meet students and share some words of encouragement and challenge with those who had been selected to attend our program.
Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Yepa ensured that all students were in attendance for the meeting. Mr. Workman thanked the students for the respectful way they conduct themselves at school, around town and in meetings such as this one. He reminded them that they were each hand-selected to attend our program and encouraged them to make the most of the opportunity. He also reminded them that each of the outstanding staff at RRH was also hand selected by the board to help the students to succeed. Mr. Workman introduced the board, mentioning that the board president, Mr. Yazzie, was unable to attend due to car troubles, but he sent his best to the students and encouraged them to work hard and make the most out of this special opportunity.
RRH Vice President, Bill Cly is an alumni (SSHS Class of 1968) of our program. He shared experiences that he had at Richfield Residential Hall in the 1960’s and talked about how those experiences helped to shape him into a successful man. As a result of what he learned here, he was able to attend BYU and get an engineering degree. He has raised a good family and had a successful career and he attributes much of his success to the lessons he learned at RRH. He reminded the students that they each have something beautiful and special and encouraged them to share it with those around them. He concluded his remarks by reminding the students that we learn the most and grow the most from the difficult things in life and to “hang in there.”
Mr. Denis Tsosie graduated from Richfield Residential Hall (Richfield High School) in 1967. He talked to the students about the results of hard work and challenges that he has placed before the board. He told students that 4 years ago, he challenged students to earn the Chief Manuelito Scholarship. Last year, Lucy Slick (who was a Freshman when the challenge was made) became the first RRH graduate to earn the Chief Manuelito Scholarship. He said this takes perseverance and a willingness to finish what you start. He concluded his remarks by challenging someone in the room to be the first RRH graduate to attend and Ivy League school.

Mr. Denis Tsosie – RRH Governing Board Secretary (Kaibeto/Lechee) and RRH alumni encourages students to, “finish what you start.”
Ms. Nora Tallman concluded the remarks for the Governing Board by reminding the students to find out who they are and to then be proud of it. She encouraged students to learn and study their native language and culture and to share it with those around them. She also told students to work hard from the beginning so that they do not have regrets when they are older. “Education opens doors and what you do here makes a difference in your life. ”