Yum, Yum, Ice Cream!

On January 11, 2014 Marlene Stewart started off the year with our big ice cream social. The students were excited to sample the variety of toppings and whipped cream that was available. The students weren’t shy!  Some students, after trying this great treat, came back for seconds, thirds, and more!  It was a great way to end an evening socializing with good friends and staff! A special thanks goes out to our kitchen staff for providing such yummy treats! I would also like to thank Jaime, Danielle, Blane, and Deion for helping serve and clean up in the cafeteria.  A special thanks to all of the students that participated and helped to make this activity such an awesome success!!
ice cream social pictures & trip to phoenix @ Golden Corral 2014 023 ice cream social pictures & trip to phoenix @ Golden Corral 2014 038
Marlene Stewart